Friday, January 25, 2008

Sometimes all you need is the inspiration

I just read a great article about 'mommy bloggers'. At the end she notes the following:

Or as the anonymous author of the blog Bub and Pie puts it: "I go through my day in a kind of 'compose post' mode, where I'm actively selecting words to describe my children — their beauty, their quirkiness, their inner lives — and that process helps me to see them, to be mindful of who they are." Writing gives me a way to step back from my life and really see it. To watch my kids and feel the gratitude flood through my veins. To connect the dots so I can tell the story the way I feel it, even though, my God, there are a million true ways to tell any story.

I have decided that as Jack gets older it is going to be harder to tell all the funny / simple/ amusing happenings in his first person. Not to say that GrowJack won't go on - eventually maybe he will be able to keep it up himself. But I think its time for this Mommy to use her voice. For the mundane, the excitement, the craziness, the monotony that ensues as the days go by.

And I used to actually like to write. So here is my best shot at my Mommy blog and my reminder to slow down , enjoy and just breathe.

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