Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Little Miss Busy

Throughout my days spent at home with Jack - I continually find myself trying to busy myself. I guess it is partly my task oriented personality. Leaving a full time job to become a stay-at-home Mom was a big transition, bigger than I myself expected. Now that I am in this 2nd year of being at home.... I find at times it is still hard to convince myself that I am accomplishing something everyday (i.e. raising a child).  On days when we are in the house all day - I so often find myself looking around and trying to figure out what I can get done that day. Deep down I know, I should just get down on the floor and hang out with Jack instead of always trying to do, do, do. It is so hard for me to turn off that voice. I think it may partly be a family curse. So far 2008 has been pretty rough though. I have been reminded alot , not so gently, to slowdown. We have been a house of sick people....all of us have fought bouts of the flu and most recently a stomach virus. Of course with sickness comes a whole new set of challenges and ways to keep busy. 

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